Name: Olivia Salinardo | Project: : Teaching English |
From: United States | Age: 19 |
The past two weeks I have spent in San Ramon, Costa Rica have been incredible. Upon my arrival, I was nervous and unsure of what to expect as a new volunteer but I quickly felt at home in the dorm. Working in an elementary school, I was fortunate enough to meet so many amazing students and teachers.
I primarily worked with first, second, third and forth graders and loved every second of it! I also adored my teacher, Nela, a great educator. She helped me with my Spanish and I helped her with my English, which was a great trade off.
At night, I taught an adult English class and had wonderful, passionate students who were excited about learning the language.
I was extremely nervous to enter an environment with adults, some older than me, but they were incredibly friendly and enthusiastic. Overall, I am so glad I decided to come to Costa Rica and cannot wait to visit again!